Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Book Review: Pachinko by Min Jin Lee

PachinkoPachinko by Min Jin Lee
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Books that touch on generations of a family are not a favorite fictional approach personally, but the way that Min Jin Lee effectively travels from 1910 to 1989 and tells the story of a Korean family in Korea who leaves to Japan and the struggles they face and overcome as minority immigrant is fascinating. Especially for someone like myself who loves Korea and Korean history. This helped me to better understand Korean culture and history while enjoying the story of this fictional family who faced what many Korean families faced through history and sadly still do today (in North Korea and Korean's living in Japan and around the world). The characters are engaging and well developed a long with the various plots and story lines. Now I can't wait to watch the TV miniseries based on the book. Finally, I want to note that the book does not take a skeptical or condescending approach toward the Christian faith and its place in Korean culture and especially with the story of this family. If anything, the book is honest to the struggles of the faith and also the way the Christian faith, if lived out honestly can effectively change peoples lives and generations of a family. I can't recommend this book enough.

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