Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Book Review: Pachinko by Min Jin Lee

PachinkoPachinko by Min Jin Lee
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Books that touch on generations of a family are not a favorite fictional approach personally, but the way that Min Jin Lee effectively travels from 1910 to 1989 and tells the story of a Korean family in Korea who leaves to Japan and the struggles they face and overcome as minority immigrant is fascinating. Especially for someone like myself who loves Korea and Korean history. This helped me to better understand Korean culture and history while enjoying the story of this fictional family who faced what many Korean families faced through history and sadly still do today (in North Korea and Korean's living in Japan and around the world). The characters are engaging and well developed a long with the various plots and story lines. Now I can't wait to watch the TV miniseries based on the book. Finally, I want to note that the book does not take a skeptical or condescending approach toward the Christian faith and its place in Korean culture and especially with the story of this family. If anything, the book is honest to the struggles of the faith and also the way the Christian faith, if lived out honestly can effectively change peoples lives and generations of a family. I can't recommend this book enough.

View all my reviews

Monday, January 8, 2024

Magi versus MAGA - January 6th Insurrection and Epiphany/Three Kings Day


Matthew 2:1-12

January 6th is traditionally celebrated by Christians the world over as Epiphany Day or Three Kings Day celebrating the Magi visiting the Christ child with three gifts which could have been one person or three people with each gift. 

Sadly, January 6 is also in remembrance for the horrible insurrection on January 6, 2021 when Trump provoked a violent insurrection against the nations Capital to try to prevent the certification by Congress of Joe Biden as president of the United States. 

The magi go off to a distant land in search of the King, born, King of the Jews.  It is not known whether the magi fully understood the deity and the kingship of Jesus Christ, the messiah, but they were searching for a king, something, someone, who would be the king above all kings and address the wars and suffering around the world in their time and time immemorial. 

Ironic, that the MAGA insurrectionists, not the Magi, on January 6, 2021 followed a false king, someone who desired/desires to be a king, dictator, worshiped ruler with power, to overthrow and stop a valid election.  Seeking an earthly king while claiming to follow Christ the King.  Not seeing the false god, false worship, idolatry, and destruction of life, liberty, property and ultimately any faith in the living Christ the king.

While the Magi may not fully understand the kingship, messiah, and salvation that Christ would bring to the world to bring about that peace now through the Holy Spirit, God's church, and God's return, they knew it to be something that was good.  The MAGA instead know and have heard the good news and claim to follow the good news, but instead uphold a false god in Trump that they seek not the good but as Trump says I am your retribution.  This is someone not seeking the good of the country but the good of his power and manipulating others so that hey doesn't have to face his crimes but to stay in power.  

Sunday, September 10, 2023

Prayer & a Car Crash


This last week on Tuesday, September 5th I was at work and I received the above text from a friend I had not heard from or messaged since April of this year.  It was a nice encouraging message to see.  I was going to message him back, but decided to head home for my usual early lunch (I take lunch near 11AM). On my way home from work and only 20 minutes after I had received the text message from my friend who was praying for me, I went through a green light while a truck heading in the opposite direction went through a red light.  I saw him approaching quickly, tried to speed up to avoid the truck but it clipped the back of my car anyway.  Luckily the guy had insurance, he took 100% responsibility for the crash, I wasn't hurt, and we both happened to have the same insurance company. 

When the Holy Spirit nudges you to pray, definitely be obedient in praying for that person or about that situation.  This goes for me as well.  Also, reach out to those the Holy Spirit nudges you to pray for and let them know you are thinking of them and praying for them.  A lot of people are going through various things and some simple words of encouragement and compassion goes a long way. 

This post is to be part of the goal to memorialize more God moments in my life that happen. Things large and small that happen that we are amazed at and we know it was God, but many times fade into the past when we are so anxious about the present.

Sunday, February 19, 2023

The Husky Pup on the Loose

A few weekends back (January 29th), my wife and I were driving to a coffee shop after church on Sunday morning and we happened to see a loose dog.  Knowing my wife would be worried about that dog for weeks if we didn't stop we quickly stopped and started to follow the dog on foot as I turned the car around.  The young husky was scared and wasn't trusting anyone.  One woman also stopped her car and tried to help us.  Then a guy came out of his house and tried to help us.  Then another guy.  So eventually 5 people started to randomly chase this poor dog.  Trying to keep it from a busy street and trying to corner it to at least get a leash on the dog.  We chased that dog for 3 hours.  During those 3 hours other people gave us sliced meats to try to entice the dog and one family loaned us their leash. 

Eventually, we cornered the dog and the dog happened to go into someone's back yard and we were able to shut the gate so the dog couldn't get out.  After talking with the people at the house, they let us go into the back yard to get the dog.  Finally able to corner the dog we got two leashes on the dog.  Then the other 3 people disappeared and we got the contact number for one of them. So Sung and I slowly gained the puppy's trust taking another hour to get it to our car and in the back seat.  Once inside the dog finally trusted us, laid down, and slept.

Of course the dog wasn't chipped.  We went to two places to check for a chip and to see if they could take the dog in.  We posted on Pawboost and actually someone else posted a picture of a dog that looked like the dog we caught.  His name is Koda. We contacted the owners eventually. 

They came to the house and sure enough the dog reacted to his owners with glee jumping on them. He had been on the streets for 3 days.  He got spooked and got out of his collar and was pretty far from his home. Also, Koda's first owners spoke Spanish so the dog mostly just understood Spanish so any of the words we tried to use was no use.  The pup didn't understand us.  

But Koda is happy and home safe with his family and we were supper tired, but happy as well. ๐Ÿ˜€

Saturday, December 24, 2022

Christmas Devotionals: Joseph

Based on the teaching on at church, devotional and this article (Joseph Silent Submission to Mary's God Given Calling is Real Biblical Manhood), I am writing out this devotional to keep these things in mind.

-Joseph showed his faith by obediently following the direction of the angel.  Joseph made a decision, while still difficult, to trust the Word of the Lord delivered by the Angel.

-Joseph suffered in silence. Joseph while he spoke we are sure his words are not recorded.  We assume that Joseph even though his decision was difficult stood by Mary and suffered the scorn of his community and hurt he puts it aside for Mary and the child. If he did cry out it was discreet with God in prayer.  

-Joseph trusted in the the Law of the Spirit rather than in the written law, traditional law, or the cultural law. If Joseph was a legalist, he may have sought for Mary to be stoned or not believed the Word of the Lord delivered by the angel, but instead he trusts God and the Law of the Spirit over the law of the flesh or the law of tradition.
  • We see this also in the ministry of Jesus and the writings of Paul (Romans 7:22-25; Romans 8:1-2; 2 Corinthians 3:6). 
-Jesus would mirror his adopted father that he would suffer in near silence and show compassion even though facing the injustices of the sin of humans and the world.

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Saturday, November 12, 2022

I'm Stock Footage of a New Mexican Voter

So apparently my sister saw me on the news on Election Day standing in line to vote.  But that didn't make sense because when I voted early there was no line and no camera crew.  There was nobody except the poll workers.  Apparently KOAT news has stock footage of me sometime ago standing in line to vote and I can't remember which election this was for.  I hope everyone I know went out there and voted and did their civic duty. God Bless.