Monday, January 8, 2024

Magi versus MAGA - January 6th Insurrection and Epiphany/Three Kings Day


Matthew 2:1-12

January 6th is traditionally celebrated by Christians the world over as Epiphany Day or Three Kings Day celebrating the Magi visiting the Christ child with three gifts which could have been one person or three people with each gift. 

Sadly, January 6 is also in remembrance for the horrible insurrection on January 6, 2021 when Trump provoked a violent insurrection against the nations Capital to try to prevent the certification by Congress of Joe Biden as president of the United States. 

The magi go off to a distant land in search of the King, born, King of the Jews.  It is not known whether the magi fully understood the deity and the kingship of Jesus Christ, the messiah, but they were searching for a king, something, someone, who would be the king above all kings and address the wars and suffering around the world in their time and time immemorial. 

Ironic, that the MAGA insurrectionists, not the Magi, on January 6, 2021 followed a false king, someone who desired/desires to be a king, dictator, worshiped ruler with power, to overthrow and stop a valid election.  Seeking an earthly king while claiming to follow Christ the King.  Not seeing the false god, false worship, idolatry, and destruction of life, liberty, property and ultimately any faith in the living Christ the king.

While the Magi may not fully understand the kingship, messiah, and salvation that Christ would bring to the world to bring about that peace now through the Holy Spirit, God's church, and God's return, they knew it to be something that was good.  The MAGA instead know and have heard the good news and claim to follow the good news, but instead uphold a false god in Trump that they seek not the good but as Trump says I am your retribution.  This is someone not seeking the good of the country but the good of his power and manipulating others so that hey doesn't have to face his crimes but to stay in power.  

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