Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Scientology: The Worst Cult?

Today is supposedly Christmas to Scientologist.  It is the birthday of L. Ron Hubbard the mastermind behind the worst cult in the United States and many parts of the world.  As I watch Leah Remini's A&E series on Hulu, Scientology and the Aftermath, I am reminded of the damage that cults in various forms have on families and society.

But is it the worst cult in the world?  I would gather that the worst cult in the world is still the cult of personality that is the DPRK, North Korea.  In many ways, Scientology mirrors the Kim Regime in the DPRK.  To many to list, but the control of information, limiting of family interaction, attacking critics, attacking those who have escaped, and locking people up and abusing them (some to their death). 

For myself, cults and the abuse of a religion towards others is something I'm familiar with in my life and family.  It is what caused the divorce of my parents.  My sister was part of and had to get out of a cult.  No group should prevent you from asking questions or seeking truth.

L.Ron Hubbards Birthday should be cult awareness day.   Today should be a day we pray for those stuck in any religious, ideological, or political cult that controls someone, cuts them off from family and society, abuses them, and their money, talents and lives.

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